New Homey

Well, we FINALLY moved into our new home! It's been such a roller coaster. Being self employed and buying a house is not very fun.

We have internet and we have our TV's hung. I would say that it's a pretty exciting time in our lives right now. It's crazy how you don't realize how much crap you have until you move. And moving into a brand new home, that's OURS now, I can't believe how much stuff we have to purchase now! I thought, "Oh, we have everything we need." That's not the case. The most expensive thing? Blinds. They're still not in, by the way. So we walk around the house naked and then quickly realize that the neighbor next door watering his lawn is staring. Hopefully that doesn't really happen, but, you understand my concern? And of course, a washer and dryer, because our washer got stolen out of storage. Why didn't they steal the dryer? Beats me. They were probably on bath salts or something because if it were me, I would've stolen both! Pawn those babies!

It's insane to think that we are going to be having our future babies here. (not a pregnancy announcement). We have moved 7 times in the last 2.5 years. 7th time is a charm? Maybe? Hopefully this whole homeowners thing will make us not want to move for a looong long time. Like, until our kids our old enough to move us instead of us moving us.

So. We're in. We're loving every minute of it. It's beautiful where we live and there's a guaranteed gorgeous sunset every single evening. Our front and back yard isn't finished yet, which is sort of a bummer, but it will be fun to put a dreamy yard in that we will love. I'll take photos of the inside once it's all decorated and looking greatsy! In the mean time, a photo of the outside of the home will have to do.

I hope you are all having a perfect summer. The weather has been beautiful here. I can't wait for all of our lake trips and sunburns, minus the sunburn part. 

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