How to develop strong faith

 I was taking a small break from blogging during the holidays and I didn't receive a question for a few weeks. I was impressed to write this post due to questions from one of my favorite ladies ever, Michelle Money. She was asking many questions on her Facebook regarding the Mormon church. My mind kept going back to faith. Without faith, we can't really get anywhere. I was reading the Book of Mormon a couple of days ago, particularly Alma 32, when I discovered 5 steps to developing strong faith. David J. Ridges pointed it out to me, as he is the author of "The Book of Mormon Made Easier." That being said, I decided to respond to many of Michelle Money's questions, and hopefully help those who are struggling with faith. There was a really really dark time in my life when I didn't believe in God, so religion wasn't even in the picture. I had to figure out how in the world to seek out God again, and how to have faith. So here it is. 5 steps to develop strong faith. As I have lived these principles, I have seen a dramatic change in my faith, my attitude, and my life. 

Step 1. Hope that the gospel is true, then look for evidence. 
This is something I think most struggle with. There are so many people out there who are seeking the evidence, which is understandable. On the other hand, without faith, we don't have religion. If you "hope" that the gospel is true, you will look for evidence that it is, and vice versa. Once you start doing this, you will start to see little beginnings of faith. Faith is not to have a perfect knowledge in things; therefore, if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true. This verse hasn't ever hit me so hard. So many individuals, including myself at one point, were looking for all of the reasons the church wasn't true, or even looking for the perfect knowledge. The cold hard truth? You're never going to have the full truth. Because then there would be no point, and faith wouldn't even be needed. 

Step 2. "Test Drive" the gospel.
Try it out! Test it thoroughly. Just like in Alma 32, Alma instructs the Zoramites to "experiment" with the gospel. If you just make room for the gospel in your life, a seed will be planted in your heart. 

Step 3. Learn how to recognize it when the Spirit is working with you. Don't rush it.
If your expectations are too high, you'll miss this step and the experiment will fail. You can't rush spiritual things! Patience is completely vital.

Step 4. Don't stop now. Keep nourishing your faith and feelings by continuing to live the gospel.
By step 4, your faith is still young and tender. This is an agency choice that God won't force upon you. So keep inviting the Spirit to work with you by your actions and words! 

Step 5. Once you've nourished the seed to the point it's become a tree, be sure to "feast" upon the fruit (which is the gospel) the rest of your life. Don't just nibble. By doing this, your faith will continue to be strengthened (as well as your knowledge) throughout your life. 

For me, step 1 was the hardest. It was so hard for me to have hope before I had evidence, simply because I'm a pretty analytical person. I like answers. But I had to come to terms with the fact that answers aren't always there, because we don't need to know them. We have all of the information we need to know, and from there on out, we must rely upon our faith.

Do YOU have any questions about Mormonism? Email me at we(n)serendipity(at) and your question could be featured on future Mormon Monday posts! 
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