When Mr. Schroeder and I first met, I thought we were on the same page with every single thing. We like the same things, we come from a family who shares the love of the gospel, we both love to laugh and act silly. I was constantly thinking, "What in the crap are our differences? Do we even have any?" Once we got married, I began to see the little flaws in Mr. Schroeder. I always wondered why I didn't see them before marriage. WEll, that's because I was so smitten that I wasn't even looking for them. If I heard anything negative Mr. Schroeder would do, my mind would completely and immediately turn it away & not agree. At first, it was easy to spot the flaws, the differences, and the mistakes. Now, I've learned to embrace the differences and look for more of the GOOD in Mr. Schroeder. When I think of our differences, I do giggle a little. The main reason is simply because these differences are pretty pathetic! They don't really take a toll on our marriage and aren't negative things. I suppose I just get a kick out of them.
• I am a night person.
Mr. Schroeder is a morning person.
I would MUCH rather stay up super late and sleep in, while Mr. Schroeder would rather wake up early and get more done throughout the day. We could call him more productive, I suppose. I enjoyed parties a lot when I was single, so after marrying him, I have learned that 10pm or earlier is bedtime. Crazy crazy, I know.
• Sugar makes me happy.
Sleep makes Trev happy.
• I care too much.
He cares too little.
But it's a GOOD THING. I wrote about it once, here. I care too much about things I shouldn't care about, i.e., friends who don't care about me, rude people, things not happening the way you want them too, etc. Trev cares about important things. When they're not important, you can expect him to shrug his shoulders and say, "oh well." I like it. I like it a lot.
• Dishwashing.
When we first got married, I was used to putting plates in the dishwasher. I was taught that if there's a little piece of food stuck on the plate, or if there's some spaghetti sauce on there or something, just stick it in the dishwasher, because the dishwasher will take care of it. When we first got hitched, Trev saw me doing this and said, "What the crap are you doing?" He then gave me a pep talk that my parents just had a really nice dishwasher that would clean dishes really good, but that our apartment's dishwasher required basically cleaning the plate before putting it in the dishwasher. I mean, "What's the point of even having a dishwasher if you have to wash the plate before putting it in?" Whatever.
•Traditions & Stockings
Growing up, Trev didn't have stockings. So during our first Christmas, my stocking was completely empty & I was really confused. This year, Trev put all the gifts in my stocking like 2 weeks before Christmas. That kid...clueless, but so cute for trying so hard.
I realize that a lot of these are silly differences we were taught growing up. Each family raises their kids different. I've really enjoyed getting to know my hub better, especially about the laughy kinds. I really really love Mr. Schroeder and our relationship and I'm honestly proud to say that differences don't stand in the way of our amazing relationship, they only make it better.