Q: Why don’t Mormons believe in wearing crosses?
A: I love this question simply because when I was
younger, I didn’t fully understand it myself. I remember sitting at some
musical, and I leaned over to my mom asking if the guy talking was Mormon. She
shook her head “No” simply because he was wearing a gold chained cross necklace.
May we all read and ponder this quote by the former LDS prophet President
Gordon B. Hinkley.
Some say that the symbol of Mormonism is our temples, or
the angel at the top of our temples. While many things may be true as what
people are saying, they all point to the true symbol and head of our Church –
the risen Lord Jesus Christ. All Mormon temples have the name of Jesus Christ
on them. All Mormon missionaries wear a tag every day that has the Lord’s name
on it. Each member makes a promise to “take upon them the name of Christ by
baptism” (2 Nephi 31:13). Jesus Christ is the greatest symbol for our Church.
All other symbols in Mormonism point to and declare His LIVING reality.
you have any questions about Mormonism? Email we(n)serendipity(at)gmail.com and
your question could be featured on future Mormon Monday posts!